Industrial visits are tours to manufacturing, production or business sites. They can be for a short duration of time lasting for just a few hours in a day, to long tours spreading over a few days.

The objectives of industrial visits are to establish a link between theory taught in a classroom and actual practical concepts.

The importance of industrial visits for college students cannot be undermined. Industrial visits contribute to the holistic learning development of students. Let’s look at some of the reasons why industrial visits are important.

1. Eliminates Misconceptions

Many times students have misconceptions about the workplace. These misconceptions can be eliminated with the help of industrial visits.

Students may have certain pre-conceived notions based on what they see on television or hear through stories. Having industrial tours can help students get the right perspective of the working of an industry.

2. First-Hand Experience

One of the reasons why industrial visits are important is because it gives first-hand experience of the work atmosphere in an industry. Students can witness live events and activities in a business space through industrial visits.

3. Reduces the Learning Gap

A brick-and-mortar type of learning can offer only limited knowledge to students. Combining industrial visits and production tours with classroom teaching can fill the learning gap. Students will be able to combine theoretical knowledge with practical experiences and use this additional knowledge to build their skills. This is why industrial visits for college students is important.

4. Encourages Active Learning

Another importance of industrial visits for students is that it encourages active learning. Classroom learning requires sitting for long hours throughout the lecture. However, on industrial visits students take tours of the different departments of the industry. Here, students walk and observe each department. Students become attentive and vigilant during industrial tours.

5. Improves Technical Know-Ho

One of the learning outcomes of industrial visits is that it improves technical know-how. Students can now observe the live working mechanisms of machinery and equipment.

Textbooks only provide a written procedure of the working of machines, but industrial visits can offer live demonstrations. These live demonstrations improve the technical knowledge of students.

6. Insight Into the Future

One of the objectives of industrial visits is that it gives students a small peek into what could be their future. Students who go on industrial visits can get an idea of how it will be, working in the industry.

7. Encourages Students to Study

Believe it or not but one of the reasons why industrial visits are important is because it encourages students to study. This happens in two ways

  • Some students are so mesmerised by the working of an industry that they too want to work in a similar place after college. This desire encourages them to study hard to get into an industry of their choice.
  • Similarly, students are encouraged to study hard after an industrial visit because of the interest that the industrial visit has kindled in them. On an industrial visit, students learn a lot of practical concepts. These practical concepts can kindle the interest of students in certain subjects.
8. Answers Directly from The Horse’s Mouth

The importance of industrial visits for students can be seen in the fact that students can directly clear any concept doubts that they may have, directly from the management or the person in charge. In a classroom, the teacher will clear doubts of students. However, this information is limited to textbook information. On industrial visits, students can clear doubts from the people directly working on the concerned matter.

9. Easy Identification of The Area of Interest

An industry has many departments. Each department works in coordination with each other to fulfil the objectives of the business. Every business or industry has more or less the following departments

  • Finance
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Logistics
  • Administration

Site visits demonstrate the working of all these departments. Students can get an idea about which department they would like to pursue a career in. They get a rough picture of their prospective job.

10. Witness Change in Policies

Different companies follow different company policies to achieve their goals.Through industrial visits, students can witness different policies of the companies and why they choose to follow these policies. Industrial visits for college students is important because it shows students how to adopt the best company practices to achieve the company objectives.

11. Develops Critical Thinking Amongst Students

Another reason why industrial visits are important for students is that it develops critical thinking power amongst the students. Many times industrial visits come with certain case studies. These case studies make students think critically to solve issues.

12. Corporate Training Opportunities

Industrial visits are an opportunity for students to strike a conversation with the management and administration of companies. When students are on good terms with the management, it gives them a better chance of receiving corporate training and jobs after college.

13. Change Is Good

Studying in a classroom atmosphere for long hours can be dull. Industrial visits are a welcome change from the daily routine. It is a good way for students to get a good break from the classroom atmosphere.

14. Working Conditions

When students go on business tours or industrial visits, they get exposure to the current working conditions. Whether it is a  labour centric industry or a white-collar type of company, students are exposed to the current working trends. They can notice minute details like dress code, mannerisms of employees among other corporate trends.

15. Certification

Many times industries or companies provide an industrial visit certificate after the student has completed the visit. These certifications can look good on your resume in the future.


Industrial visits are slowly becoming an integral part of the education system. Educators are now realising the importance of industrial visits for students. Many schools and colleges have already adopted this system in their curriculum and are showing positive results.

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